Max Read has a secondary potential motivation (other than sucking up to an incoming Presidential administration) for Mark Zuckerberg suddenly reinventing himself as the least intimidating, least plausible right-wing tough-guy reactionary ever conceived:
“News on Friday that Meta is ending its D.E.I. program should be seen in this context–as not just another way to cozy up to the Trump administration, but as another sally in a war against a workforce that tech management has come to see as dangerously left-wing. I’ve argued before that the hard-right turn of investors like Marc Andreessen should be seen in part as a kind of marketing strategy, an attempt to find founders and workers whose politics make them less likely to jeopardize profits with workplace action.2I suspect that Zuck’s makeover functions at least in part in the same way. I don’t think Republican electeds much care if Zuck is cageside at M.M.A. matches or using right-wing slang like “legacy media” and “virtue-signaling”–but I think the kinds of employees he might like to attract probably do (As do, from the other direction, the kinds of employees he would like to attrite).”
Honestly, I have no real reason not believe this. It’s not a stupid theory — it’s a fairly compelling theory proposing that someone weird (and maybe, in their own way, stupid) is doing something stupid.
It’s stupid for a couple reasons. It’s stupid because you can already get whatever kind of workforce you want, and Facebook has been hiring what it wants for twenty years now. It wants “100x engineers”, best in class, A-player, blah blah blah. That’s what it’s been hiring for better or worse. Never in Facebook’s notoriously money and power hungry history has it said “we want this place staffed by a bunch of bleeding heart liberals”. That was always the price of getting the people they wanted, and it was a price they paid happily to print money for, again, two decades.
This bring us to the second reason this is stupid. This is America — as much as corporations (especially tech companies, for whatever reason) seem to love coming up with elaborate, too-cute-by-a-half justifications for dumping workers, it’s not really necessary. Americans have very few labor protections, and it’s not hard to get rid of tens of thousands of workers. Traditionally, that sort of thing has hurt the stock price of public companies, but who knows if that would even happen now. So if you don’t want most of your employees to be Facebook employees anymore (and the posturing of the last two years sure makes it look like he doesn’t), just do your job and get rid of them. You don’t even have to pay severance! I’m sure most of these people, like me, are at-will employees.
But… there is one little problem. These are still the kinds of workers you want — you just don’t want them to be annoying or have principles or make you consider things you don’t like. You want truly talented engineers and smart, technical business people who just love money and winning and crushing it, but… also people who thrive working inside a massive organization with huge egos, interdepartmental conflict, and often incoherent or incompetent upper management.
See where this is going? The first set of problems is very real, I get it. I once watched an intern launch into a rant at an all-hands meeting about how our executive team’s answer on diversity “was frankly not good enough”, and she was only there for the summer and didn’t even do any work. But that’s an extreme outlier. I’ve been working at tech companies for almost as long as Facebook has existed, and the best, most innovative, most effective employees I worked with (other than the occasional ruthless salesperson or actively hostile DevOps guy) were all basically kind, thoughtful, intelligent people. There’s a type, man, and it’s not AI-crypto-libertarian edgelord. Some of those people really are very intelligent and potentially very productive, but they generally don’t scale well, they hate the bureaucracy and rules inherent in running a billion dollar business, and honestly, they’re just a different kind of a pain-in-the-ass, and one you tend to run into a lot quicker. In other words, they’d all love to work with Mark Zuckerberg, as long as they can have his job where they can say and do whatever they want, change their mind on a whim, and never be held accountable for anything. As my uncle reportedly said when they reinstated the draft — “sure, I’ll go to Vietnam. Just make me a general.”
That’s not who Zuckerberg and the rest of the “I’m a libertarian because I’m winning” crew actually want as mid-level product managers and data scientists. It’d be chaos, and far more insufferable than the occasionally eye-rolling left-wing status quo. Instead, these guys are just delusionally pining for their manic pixie dream girl — in their case, a brilliant, kind, innovative, competent professional who puts customers first, is willing to disagree and commit, and who also has absolutely no problem watching terrible, amoral shit go down on their watch as long as their boss says it’s fine.
A few of these magical employees might exist, but there aren’t nearly enough of them to staff Silicon Valley, which is why the only fantasy more appealing to these guys than a tech company staffed by obedient, professional, submissive right wing sociopaths is one staffed by large language mod– sorry, I mean “AI Agents”.