Animation, Energy, and "The Third Heat"

For someone who is an admittedly terrible artist, I’ve always liked working with animation, even as a little kid. When I was 11 or 12, I started taking animation courses at the summer camp I went to every year, even though I never really fit in with obviously talented “art kids” who usually participated in […]

Your Real Problems

(note from the future : this is from back when I was freelancing) “It hurts when I do this.” Well, don’t do that. When I started to put this site together, it forced me to look back on the different people and organizations I’ve tried to help out over the last few years — places […]

Death by Wedding

Does the wedding-industrial complex deserve some of the blame for decline of marriage? Serious Q via @mattyglesias — davidfrum (@davidfrum) January 7, 2014 Damn skippy it does. I am going to puff out my chest for a minute (so brace yourselves, or move on), but eight years ago (!!!) I was out on the […]

Garage Bands and Agile Development

Last year, me and the other guys in Six Foot Machine put out our first release, (get it here for free!) a ten and a half song album entitled “Monday Night Miracle”. SFM records are fundamentally different creatures than literally all of the other albums I’ve worked on in the past. While I’ve started to […]