
In general, having kids has been pretty detrimental to my brain, at least in terms of raw cognitive ability. I’m tired a lot, I have way less time to think, and I have a lot of hilarious conversations that are enlightening about say, the human condition, but aren’t exactly sophisticated technical or policy discussions. I […]

Applied Compliance

It’s only my opinion, but one of the more interesting things I’ve written (and then promptly lost in a tangled web of SQL dumps while messing around with this site) was a piece on managing people and the different approaches towards setting goals. I thought of these two approaches as engagement and compliance, where the […]

Where The Good Jobs Are, (Part 2)

One of the funny things about any kind of economic system is that, by definition, you learn a lot about it simply by existing in it. But as more and more people are realizing, there are a wide variety of ways to exist in any system, thanks to a bunch of different factors we have […]

Where The Good Jobs Are, (Part 1)

One time, when I was in college — at some point in the dreary middle, so let’s say 2002-2003-ish — I asked my Dad what I should try to do for a living if I wanted to maintain the ability to step up or step down my work. This was mostly because (at the time) […]

Editorial Independence and Money

Like any normal reader, I have mixed and varied reactions to the things posted on Deadspin, a venerable and popular blog presumably about sports but more about… things. However, I do not have mixed feelings about whether Deadspin should exist, or whether it has written, reported, and uncovered some truly incredible things in addition to […]

The Clueless Majority

It’s been an interesting couple of years for minority-majority relations. So many of the different have/have-not dividing factors in American society — gender, race, wealth, geography, even technical knowledge — seem to be chippier, more emotional, and increasingly called out by people on the less advantaged side. Sometimes it’s because the situation for the people […]