The Two Kinds of Decisions

(I hate when people try to make some facet of their little niche industry into a professional maxim, but I’m going to do it anyways, because it’s a really easy way to write on the internet. So just know that I work at small-medium sized software companies and take my myopic view of the universe […]

Empathy is Not Experience, and… That’s Okay

If there’s anything decent people have come to realize over the last year, it’s that many of us lead very, very different life experiences. As soon as you start getting into the specifics, things start to get complicated (and often testy), so let’s just stick with that observation for now. The lives we lead, the […]

Nobody’s Perfect

Two of the say, maybe six companies that run the world are fighting. This time, it’s Facebook and Apple. Fortunately for those of you who don’t really pay attention to this kind of thing and want to get up to speed quickly, it’s a very simple argument. Apple makes money off of a lot of […]

Legitimacy, Enforcement, and What Comes After

I am not the first person on the internet to tell you that since 2016, the number one thing that’s been eroded and removed from American society is the idea of “norms” — things you “can” or “cannot” do not due to a specific consequence (like going to jail, or being removed from office), but […]

Customer Data & the Immovable Object

The number one obsession in digital marketing for the last decade or so has been targeting. For all the money in ad-tech and sponsored content and other 21st century marketing things, the actual experience of being advertised to and, for lack of a better word, effectively propositioned by companies online is pretty lame. Targeting promises […]

We Are Out of Ideas

This just eats at my soul.  Grocery workers across the country say morale is crushingly low as the pandemic wears on with no end in sight. Overwhelmed employees are quitting mid-shift. Those who remain say they are overworked, taking on extra hours, enforcing mask requirements and dealing with hostile customers. Most retailers have done away […]